Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Project Buccoo - About

This is a blog chronicling the daily trials and tribulations involved in developing a Rich Internet Application template that I have named project Buccoo.

Project Buccoo: A web application template using OpenLaszlo and Tapestry for scalable Rich Internet Application based websites.

Project goal: To develop a set of scalable, secure templates to provide a readily usable application leveraging XML and Java for portability and localization.

Requirements for development:
  • OpenLaszlo - The OpenLaszlo presentation server 4.0.6 - Uses Tomcat 5.024 as its webserver
  • Apache Ant 1.7 - To easily build and deploy the files related to Buccoo
  • Apache Tapestry 5.0.6 - Provides the middleware and the presentation to the user interface
  • Firefox - For viewing XHTML and XML files (with Flash 9 plugin installed for OpenLaszlo flash interface)
  • Java compatible database (MySQL or HSQLDB should work)
  • Text editor.
While the development is detailing the steps on a Windows based environment, the steps should be easily portable to any development environment supporting Java and Tomcat.

Target audience: Those desiring to implement a Rich Internet Application with OpenLaszlo and have an existing understanding of Web technology, XML and Java.

Licenses: Buccoo uses components that are either Artistic License or Apache 2 so it is currently licensed under the Apache 2 license.

How do I envision this project being used?
  1. As a base for anyone who wants to quickly develop a secure and responsive Rich Internet Applications
  2. As a reference for anyone who wants to integrate OpenLaszlo with a REST (Representational State Transfer - like a SOAP webservice, but not as complicated).
  3. As a reference for anyone who wants to use / produce XML content using Tapestry 5.
  4. Anything you can think of using it for!

Why the name Buccoo?

I live in Trinidad and Tobago - a twin island republic in the West Indies. Buccoo is a name of an area close to where I vacationed as I came up with this project. The Buccoo reef is a popular snorkeling spot that highlights quality of the generally unseen beauty available on the islands. My hope is that this project will also highlight the two projects it's based upon - OpenLaszlo and Tapestry.

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